Reflect on your off-campus study programs with Hope College.
If you’re a returning off-campus study student, you’re eligible to participate in our Global Ambassadors program. Global Ambassadors volunteer 20 hours per semester promoting off-campus studies for the Center for Global Engagement, sharing their stories through presentations and outreach across campus.
- Give short (10-minute) presentations about your off-campus study experience to students and groups or organizations that you’ve been involved in (athletics, youth groups, residence halls, etc.)
- Participate in various campus events as a representative of the Center for Global Engagement (like the Off-Campus Study Fair, pre-departure meetings and student panels)
- Contribute to our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
- Engage in marketing initiatives across campus
Candidates must
- Have experience studying off-campus through Hope College or one of its affiliate programs (CIEE, SIT, IES, TEANabroad, The Philadelphia Center, etc.)
- Attend ambassador training programs
- Commit to participating in events throughout the year
- Log a total of 20 volunteer hours over the semester
- Commit to a minimum of one semester
- Be in good academic standing
- Develop marketable experience with public speaking, mentoring, time management and public relations
- Learn how to articulate what you learned during your study abroad experience and how to apply that to your future endeavors
- Receive a Global Ambassador t-shirt
When you return to campus, you bring a new set of skills and a depth of experience to our student population. Why not work in our office as a peer advisor? You’ll be able to share your experiences with other students and help them make their decision with confidence. If you’re interested, let us know by stopping by the Center for Global Engagement and talking with our staff.
Now that you’ve returned from a semester or year off-campus, you’ll want to re-acclimate yourself to Hope. The Center for Global Engagement provides workshops, events and presentations to help you with your transition.
Check out our calendar for events with other returnees.
- Want to publish a story, photo, or blog entry? SCAPE offers a glimpse into the world of off-campus study offered through the Center for Global Engagement. This annual collection of student stories and experiences are packed full of great reflections, stories and photos. Inspire others to explore studying off-campus! Stop by the center to pick up your free copy!
- Senior seminars are designed to be a capstone on the liberal arts experience you’ve received at Hope. In the spring semester we are excited to teach a “Unpacking from Study Abroad and Repacking for Global Citizenship” seminar for students who have returned from studying off-campus. Find more information on offerings and descriptions.
workP. 616.395.7605