/ Campus Ministries

Small Groups

Four woodcut-style graphics of a tree beside a river with different colors for each of the four seasonsStudent-Led Bible Studies

Hope College Small Group Bible studies are led by current Hope students and meet at various times throughout the week. This campus-wide study is a great way to connect with God and with other students. Come grow and learn with us!.

Chaplain- and Faculty-Led Groups

Athletics Core Devotions
  • Wednesday mornings, 7:15 a.m.

Midweek devotional for all athletes over coffee and donuts with Matt Margaron, chaplain of athletics, in the Campus Ministries Living Room.

Creativity and the Creator
  • Wednesdays from 5–6 p.m., Campus Ministries Prayer Room, beginning September 11
This group, hosted by Professor Greg Lookerse, will be a space for conversation around creative practice and Christian faith. If you are interested in reflecting on faith and creativity, please join us every Wednesday from 5–6 p.m. in the Prayer Room at Campus Ministries. This semester, we will be reading Word Made Fresh: An Invitation to Poetry for the Church, by Abram VanEngen. This group begins January 15, 2025.

Faith & Spanish
  • Tuesdays at 11 a.m. in the Prayer Room at Campus Ministries

Come explore faith formation and speak in Spanish with Chaplain Charly Peña and Professor Daniel Woolsey.

Freshmen Only!Fall Semester Only

Welcome to Hope, first year students! Transitioning from high school to college is challenging. What kind of person do I want to be? What do I believe? With whom will I surround myself? What will I study? This 6-week small group will engage the questions every freshman asks and offer an encouraging space of conversation and support. Join Jennifer Thursday mornings 11-11:50 a.m. September 5–October 17, 2024.

Global Student Ministry
  • Sundays twice monthly, 5:30–7 p.m. in International Student Lounge, Martha Miller room 110

Are you an international student or global minded? Do you love gathering with Christians from around the world? This group meets twice monthly. Join us for fun, food and encouraging conversation. 

“We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.”
—John Stott

Greek Life Bible Study

Are you in Greek Life and looking for ways to pursue your faith? Please join us in the Living Room at the Huys on Wednesdays 5–6 p.m. This group is led by Jill Nelson and will meet January 15–March 5 to study the book of Isaiah this semester. All sororities and fraternities are welcome!  

Guys’ Night
  • Thursdays, 5–6 p.m., Campus Ministries

This year’s theme is “ManGood.” Each week, the guys will discuss what “good qualities” a godly man should possess as he walks out his faith and purpose with Jesus. Topics we will cover for the semester include spiritual disciplines, physical health, mental health, relational integrity, accountability, leadership, care, social media habits and spiritual warfare. We will meet in the living room at the Campus Ministries house on Thursdays from 5–6 p.m.

The After College ExperienceSpring Semester Only

This group is an opportunity for graduating spring seniors to prepare for pursuing a life of faith after college. Seniors will meet with chaplains Jill Nelson and Matt Margaron weekly to have honest conversations about calling, relationships, money and so much more.

Contact Jill Nelson at nelsonj@hope.edu for more information.