/ Library

Library Online Tutorials

The following are interactive asynchronous tutorials created by Hope librarians, designed to teach students a variety of information literacy skills.

Tutorials are typically a mixture of short videos, texts, practice activities and questions involving library and other online tools and resources. At the end of each tutorial, students will have a place to enter their contact information along with an instructor’s in order to submit their answers. Please contact a librarian if you are interested in batch downloads of student submissions.

First Year Seminar Tutorials

Hope Primo

An orientation to locating library materials through Hope Primo.

Information Literacy Skills and Concepts

Searching Like a Pro

Skills and habits for transforming a research topic into searches.

Source Wars: Scholarly vs Popular

Tools for recognizing the differences between popular-style publications and peer reviewed journal articles.

Finding Resources in the Van Wylen Stacks

Summary of the steps for locating a print book at Van Wylen.

Communicate with Confidence: A Plagiarism Primer

An introduction to plagiarism and its impact on academic integrity.

Skeptical Researching: Skills and Habits for Checking Online Claims

Strategies for quickly fact-checking online news stories. ()