Amy Borgman

Director, Affinity Stewardship
Profile photo of  Amy Borgman

Amy Borgman started working at Hope in fall 2006 as outreach manager for The Hope Fund, where she is currently the operations manager.


  • B.S., advertising and public relations, Grand Valley State University, 2005

Professional experience

Before coming to Hope, Amy worked at the Holland Sentinel as a marketing media consultant.

Why I love Hope

Amy finds Hope to be a great place to work. She always feels valued in the workplace and that she’s making a difference. Plus, the students she has worked with over the years have been amazing.

Amy loves the family friendly environment as well as fun, inventive, beautiful downtown Holland.

Outside the college

Amy loves to go camping with her family during the summer and being active outdoors. Her other interests include playing softball, volleyball, reading and gathering with friends and family.

Profile photo of  Amy Borgman
Amy Borgman

Phone Number616.395.7796

DeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423-3607
DeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Holland MI 49423-3607