Borgeson Artist in Residence 2019
Leekyung Kang
Ecstasy on the surface
De Pree Gallery, Hope College, Holland, Michigan
August 27–September 21, 2019
Exhibition Statement
For the past few years, I have been obsessed with the structural framework and components that make up the urban landscape. My work has focused on exploring both exterior surfaces and interior infrastructure of the cities I have lived in, including architectural imagery of unfinished scaffold facades through mixed media. The goal of this work is to expose the unseen and hidden spaces by capturing the raw and unfinished state of our present environment. I seek to challenge the conventional understanding of space that focuses on physical state, history, and transformation.
Recently, through the exploration of digitized surfaces, my perception and perspective of reality has been altered. When navigating the digital world, I often wonder what actually lies beneath the web cursor. The seamless surface does not reveal the infrastructure of the hidden space, nor can one see the materiality and responses of data components in “real time.”
As one continues to explore this vacuum, these imaginations go beyond the surface,
hidden in a layered matrix accumulated with spider webs of endless history, time,
space, and transition. Computer projections contain layered evidence of the randomness
of our internet presence. In my work, I attempt to excavate each layer and explore
the unseen space by rearranging components through digital language manipulation and
photo editing.
Using painting, printmaking and video installation, my recent work places the viewer
in a projected reality of unseen space. This unseen space allows for the exploration
of intangible material, teetering between the second and third dimensions that challenge
visual perception and incognizance.
workP. 616.395.7500